David was getting his thick cock worked on by his sexy girlfriend and she was certainly showing it plenty of love. Look at just how good those lips are working on it as David relaxes and lets his girl take full control. It’s about as perfect as you could ask for but trust me, it is going to get even better when she finds out how wicked that cock feels inside it.
They just happen to be one of the couples streaming live sex right now. Loads of them showing off while you guys jerk off with them and well worth a bit of your time to join in the action. If you have the balls for it and you can keep up with them, why wouldn’t you offer yourself that chance?
At the moment I am just doing what I can to keep up with them as they go for it on cam. You’d be well into it by now and that’s never a bad thing. If this couple wants to be this horny and they want us to watch, I’ll also return the favor by making sure that I jerk off multiple times while watching them on cam.